Tag: tweens

Middle School. A bigger building. New faces. A bell schedule?! Students of all ages go through transitions during their academic career. For children and parents alike, it can be overwhelming moving up to a new school. Being a “little fish in a big pond” can be intimidating, but according to researchers, of all the academic […]

For Nicole, a mom of two children, ages 4 and 8, the start of 2017 was an opportunity to tackle a growing problem in her house: family screen time. For parents raising children in today’s digital age, it can seem daunting to set limits on screen time and technology. “This year, in order to actually […]

Crumpled balls of wrapping paper; delicious holiday fare; and happy kids with new gadgets, games and gizmos. These are a few of my favorite things. This year, with Christmas and New Year’s Day both on weekends, there may be many parents who are fortunate to have the full week off at the end of December. […]

The weather has turned, snow is the new norm and retail stores are decked out for the holiday season. The biggest indicator for me that the holiday season is here are the television commercials; commercials that showcase the latest and greatest toys that cause my seven- and nine-year-old sons to franticly yell for me to […]

Recently, dinnertime has become a lot more interesting in my household. Game changer: my nine-month-old son is eating solid foods. So far, pears and sweet potatoes reign supreme, and anything green –beans, peas and avocado, is met with a refusal of shivers and gags. Children not eating their vegetables is an age-old issue, and it’s […]
I’m late. As with most things in my parenting life, I am woefully behind schedule. On November 19, families throughout the country took part in the National Night of Conversation, an event designed to facilitate discussion about drug abuse and addiction. My family, however, was knee-deep in social-studies projects, multiplication tables, and various sports practices. […]
The students filed excitedly into the cafeteria, choosing seats near friends as they waited for the presentation to begin. The end of school was just around the corner, but that’s not what had these fifth graders abuzz. They were about to hear a preview of next year – the start of middle school. They had […]
Some of the most important lessons students learn aren’t found in textbooks. They come from life experiences – in the classroom, with family and out in the real world. As parents, we want our children to succeed. Equipping them with life skills now will better prepare them to navigate their school years and beyond. Which […]
“I don’t know what I did. Brittany doesn’t like me anymore.” The young teen’s angst was palpable. She was 12, maybe 13, and in the throes of middle school. A long-time friendship had come to a screeching halt, and she couldn’t figure out why. “Brittany’s going to a party with the popular kids tonight,” she […]