Tag: testing
From the hundreds of thousands of parents who refused to have their children participate in standardized testing over the past two weeks in New York, it’s pretty clear that people have issues with testing. But that doesn’t mean we should get rid of standardized tests. According to most school leaders, these tests are part of […]
For many grade 3-8 students, launching into state English Language Arts (ELA) and math tests immediately after spring break may be a bit unnerving. Sharing a few helpful test-taking strategies with your children can ease anxieties and help them perform at their best. In the days before the test, help children prepare by getting a […]

A growing number of parents and caregivers – including some teachers, school administrators and state legislators – will instruct their children to refuse to participate in the battery of standardized tests administered in schools across the country this spring. Depending who you talk to, standardized testing is either a useful measure of student growth or […]
Some of the most important lessons students learn aren’t found in textbooks. They come from life experiences – in the classroom, with family and out in the real world. As parents, we want our children to succeed. Equipping them with life skills now will better prepare them to navigate their school years and beyond. Which […]
A revamped SAT®, that globally recognized college admissions test created by the not-for-profit College Board, is set to debut in 2016 featuring changes in what’s tested, how it’s scored and how students prepare. The College Board is making comprehensive changes to the standardized test to reinforce the skills and evidence-based thinking that high school students […]
New York state’s standardized English Language Arts (ELA) tests begin April 1, and I am grateful that my fourth grader is not anxious about the three days of test-taking. He is inclined to be anxious about many things, like thunder, high winds, and my absence at 8:45 p.m. when I had told him I expected […]
Parent Today shared the following information in advance of 2013 state standardized test for students in grades 3-8. We republish it here so you can help prepare your child for another test season. Some students thrive on test stress; others experience intense anxiety that leaves them feeling physically ill – stomachaches, headaches, etc. – and […]
There’s a part of me that wants to opt my kids out of standardized testing. But I’m not going to. I hear about the controversy over testing (see sidebar), and I side with parents who believe they are ultimately responsible and accountable for their child’s education. We – as parents – do have primary responsibility […]
Some parents don’t want their children to take annual standardized tests, and they cite a number of reasons why. Although there is no statutory provision in New York state for “opting out” of the tests, many parents are still choosing that route. Is opting out the right thing for your child? As parents, you should […]