Tag: stress
At a certain age, career choices seem limitless: firefighter, rock star, astronaut, princess. Fast-forward 10 years and the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?” can trigger fear, anxiety and outright panic. This is especially true for juniors and seniors who feel pressured to make a decision about their options. The […]
There is a stigma surrounding mental health issues that makes starting a conversation difficult. When comedic actor Robin Williams committed suicide in August, reportedly motivated by severe depression, people around the world were stunned and saddened, prompting many to post tributes to him and send supportive messages for his family and friends through both social […]
Anxious feelings are normal and expected in times of transition, particularly with a change such as going back to school. For younger children, anxiety often revolves around separating from parents. For older children, it’s frequently about social situations such as fitting in, making new friends and personal performance in specific areas such as academics, music […]
My senior daughter is more than ready to graduate. “Shouldn’t classes be winding down by now?” she asked, lamenting the two tests and project deadline she faces in the coming days. I reminded her that there is still nearly a month of school left, including finals and Regents for many students. It’s not likely there […]
This electronic world we live in may be depriving us of a much-needed pastime: daydreaming. Psychologists say daydreaming helps us formulate goals and understand our deepest hopes, wishes and fears. It also contributes to creativity, social-emotional well-being and school performance. But researchers say distractions such as social media and video games may keep children from […]
Parent Today shared the following information in advance of 2013 state standardized test for students in grades 3-8. We republish it here so you can help prepare your child for another test season. Some students thrive on test stress; others experience intense anxiety that leaves them feeling physically ill – stomachaches, headaches, etc. – and […]
There’s a part of me that wants to opt my kids out of standardized testing. But I’m not going to. I hear about the controversy over testing (see sidebar), and I side with parents who believe they are ultimately responsible and accountable for their child’s education. We – as parents – do have primary responsibility […]
Change can be difficult for any of us. Sometimes it’s sudden and unexpected, such as an unexpected job loss or the death of a loved one. Other times, transitions can be expected, such as children starting school, changing schools or classes as they grow older, and eventually leaving home for a career or college. Every […]

The release of student test scores has added fuel to the arguments of an increasing number of parents disturbed by the effects new Common Core Learning Standards and standardized tests are having on their children. Some say their children are coming home from school stressed and frustrated about difficult schoolwork and demoralized by lower-than-expected state […]