Tag: stress

Aside from an occasional yoga class, I would have never considered myself the “meditating” type. Type A? Totally. Zen master? Not so much. That was, until I was preparing for the birth of my first child and my doctor suggested mindful meditation as a way to help me be well (see: less of a stressed […]

Enrolling at a new school can be a challenging experience for students at all grade levels, as well as for their parents. There are new faces, hallways and classrooms and often divergent approaches to learning from school district to school district. The organization of the school day and classes themselves, especially for students who are […]
The start of the presentation was less than an hour away, and my son was feeling stressed. He and his team had spent months preparing their STEM project, and competition day had finally arrived. He paced the hallway as he ran through his lines for what seemed like the 1,000th time, stopping every so often […]

For most of us, the holiday season represents fun celebrations and warm memories. From school vacation to family get-togethers, holiday traditions to special treats, the weeks from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day are usually an exciting, and happy, time. For some children and families, however, the holidays can be stressful and difficult. Complicated by divorce, […]

Number bonds. Tape diagrams. Counting up. I sometimes feel like my third-grade child is speaking a foreign language when he asks for help with his math homework. “Um, what does that mean?” I ask. He can’t always explain. “Didn’t you learn how to do this today in school?” I ask. He shrugs. Completing math homework-the […]
They came through our living room like astronauts from a dark planet: not saying a word, dressed in olive green Kevlar, wearing gas masks and carrying pick axes. They were there to help of course, but I didn’t care. It was a terrifying sight for eight-year-old me. The images of those first responders, firefighters searching […]

With only three weeks until the start of another school year, my two sons are relaxing on the couch, basking in the air-conditioning and watching television. Having just returned from swimming, there is not a thought in their heads about boarding the bus and going back to school in less than a month. I, on […]

My son was mad. Steaming mad. Screaming mad. “I hate everything,” he roared. “It’s not fair!” I could feel my own frustration rising. He had a point, but in my opinion he was overreacting. How could this child who was so capable of having rational conversation be suddenly so irrational? We may find it unsettling […]