Tag: special education

The weather has turned, snow is the new norm and retail stores are decked out for the holiday season. The biggest indicator for me that the holiday season is here are the television commercials; commercials that showcase the latest and greatest toys that cause my seven- and nine-year-old sons to franticly yell for me to […]

When my brother and sister-in-law learned that their daughter, Amelia, could start pre-kindergarten in September, they were elated. She was only 3 at the time, but very bright. I have the personal bias of a loving aunt, but when I was 3, I couldn’t count to 100, write my name, or tell a hexagon from […]
Reading and writing are necessary for learning, but children sometimes struggle as they attempt to conquer literacy skills. It’s a battle that can take a toll in the long-term: Research shows that students who read significantly below grade level in third grade typically struggle throughout their school years and have a greater likelihood of dropping […]
Since the 1970s, the United States has recognized April as a special opportunity to educate the public about autism and issues within the autism community. Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first three years of life and affects the brain’s normal development of social and communication skills. According to the Centers for […]
Look for spring colors to emerge this month – not only underfoot but also on car bumpers, jacket lapels and Facebook pages – in the form of the multi-hued “autism awareness” ribbon. The ribbon – whose puzzle pattern is meant to reflect the mystery and complexity of autism – will be on full display throughout […]
U.S. Education Department says public schools must make sports accessible to all “Senioritis” is not a word in Joey Fazzone’s vocabulary. A dedicated student who’s making plans to attend the Rochester Institute of Technology next fall, Fazzone is a gifted artist who’s busy preparing a portfolio of his best paintings. He is also a valued […]