Tag: social studies

On a day when so many families gather, Thanksgiving is the perfect chance to make learning a fun, family experience. The holiday is steeped in tradition, particularly regarding the story of the first Thanksgiving at Plymouth Colony. If you and your children aren’t familiar with the history of the Pilgrims’ first winter in America, reading […]

Election Day may be Tuesday, Nov. 6, but students across the country have already started heading to the polls in mock elections after a season of learning about how presidential elections work. Several online outlets, including the National Mock Election for Students and “Every Kid Votes” provide election resources for students and teachers and an […]
BOCES Communications Specialist Matt Leon weighs in on sharing the political process with children. Too often, the political debate in our country is negative, rigid, shallow, and even mean-spirited. We have radio hosts making crude remarks about young women; presidents and vice presidents using swear words near open microphones; and congressional representatives melting down on […]
When we think of important dates celebrating our country’s history, we tend to think first of Independence Day on July 4. A lesser known – but also important – date is Constitution Day on Sept. 17. Constitution Day is observed each year to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787, and to […]