Tag: science

Today, although to a lesser degree than in the past, women remain underrepresented in the STEM workforce, with the greatest disparities occurring in engineering, computer science and the physical sciences. According to a 2016 report by the National Science Foundation, female students’ achievement and participation in science and math in grades K-12 was on par […]

Recently, dinnertime has become a lot more interesting in my household. Game changer: my nine-month-old son is eating solid foods. So far, pears and sweet potatoes reign supreme, and anything green –beans, peas and avocado, is met with a refusal of shivers and gags. Children not eating their vegetables is an age-old issue, and it’s […]
Shorter days and longer nights are the norm in the Northeast this time of year. Instead of begrudging the diminished daylight, use the coming December solstice as an opportunity to help your child learn some science. The winter solstice is considered the start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere – or at least the astronomical […]

They’ve been called master architects and engineers, but they’ve never spent a day in an actual classroom. Instead, they perfect their innate talent by watching and doing. They’re beavers, an animal we became curious about when we noticed several trees down alongside a small pond near our house. They leave in their wake a telltale […]
The seed starter kit at the everything-under-$5 store caught my son’s eye. “Mom, we could grow watermelons,” he said excitedly as he grabbed a kit from the shelf. I thought about the sandy soil around our house. “Maybe tomatoes,” I said. We had some success last year with grape tomatoes planted in containers on the […]
If you were a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books as a child, you might recall “The Long Winter,” which takes place in De Smet, South Dakota, during the winter of 1880-81. Frequent blizzards made it impossible for trains to get to the town with supplies, and food and fuel became scarce. The family survived […]