Tag: safety

It was a pretty big deal. My 8-year-old daughter was dropped off that morning at her very first soccer camp. She’s been playing in a youth recreation league for a few years. It’s the kind of league where the coaches don’t keep score, but where you sometimes hear parents whispering summations to each other on […]
Recently I attended a lockdown drill at an elementary school that houses kindergarten and first grade students. While the principal was explaining what a lockdown is to students and the significance of these types of drills, it struck me that our youngest students live in a world that is very different than it was even […]
They came through our living room like astronauts from a dark planet: not saying a word, dressed in olive green Kevlar, wearing gas masks and carrying pick axes. They were there to help of course, but I didn’t care. It was a terrifying sight for eight-year-old me. The images of those first responders, firefighters searching […]
We worry about our children as babies, observing every move and checking repeatedly as they sleep in the crib. We worry about our children when they’re toddlers, watching as they explore a new world with waddling, uncertain steps. We worry when they move to grade school, middle school, high school. Then, in an instant, they […]
My son loves to play Minecraft. He occasionally Facetimes (video calls over Wi-Fi) or texts friends with his iPod. With two older sisters and parents who are active on social media, he’s seen Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Vine. He’s comfortable Googling information for school, and he discovered Weird Al Yankovic videos on YouTube. […]
An increasing number of measles cases reported in the United States has health officials urging parents to vaccinate their children and be aware of the disease’s symptoms. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a public health alert in late January after a spike in U.S. cases. The CDC attributed the increase to […]
If someone next to you were to suddenly fall to the ground and stop breathing, would you know what to do? Would your children or your neighbor’s children know what to do? Most Americans would answer no. Less than a third of Americans say they know how to perform cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) – a simple […]
The statistics are frightening: 77 percent of young adults are very or somewhat confident they can safely text while driving 55 percent of young adult drivers say it is easy to text while driving. 13 percent of drivers age 18-20 involved in a crash admitted to texting or talking on the phone just prior to […]
Ask any physician in the year 2000, and they would have told you that measles had been all but eliminated in the United States. But today, health officials claim that the U.S. faces the worst year for measles in more than a decade, arguing that people who refuse to vaccinate their children are to blame […]