Tag: parent-teacher
Does the thought of sitting down with your child’s teacher make you squirm in your seat like a second grader? It shouldn’t, but it is surprising just how many adults find the face-to-face meeting with a teacher an uncomfortable experience. The purpose of parent-teacher conferences is to inform parents about their child’s progress and to […]
School has been in session only a few weeks, and now it’s time for Open House. For many parents, the experience is one of shuffling around crowded hallways and classrooms with only a vague understanding of what it’s all about. However, Open House can be an important event for parents, teachers and children. Here’s how […]

Few people argue against the value of a good education, and when it comes to the local school district, almost everyone has their opinion. Yet, in just a week, news media will likely report the record-low voter turnout for the annual school budget vote and school board elections. Statistics from the New York State Board […]
You’ve visited your child’s classroom for back-to-school night, met his/her teacher and scheduled your parent-teacher conference. Now what? Staying connected during the school year is an important step in your child’s education. More than 500 studies have shown the positive benefits that result when parents get involved in their children’s education, including improved grades and […]
You look at the district calendar and see a staff development day on the schedule – again. Why is there another day off? you wonder. Before you get frustrated about how it will wreak havoc on your own schedule, it helps to understand why these days are part of every district’s yearly calendar. School districts […]
New York state’s standardized English Language Arts (ELA) tests begin April 1, and I am grateful that my fourth grader is not anxious about the three days of test-taking. He is inclined to be anxious about many things, like thunder, high winds, and my absence at 8:45 p.m. when I had told him I expected […]
It’s one of the acronyms tossed about in education: DDI, or data-driven instruction. At the heart of DDI is, obviously, data. In the eyes of some, data – or its collection – is seen as invasive. But the word data means, simply, information. And for school districts, data can provide a wealth of information to […]
Decades of research shows that students learn more, have higher grades and have better attendance when their parents are involved in school. That’s why parent-teacher conferences are so important: They help us to be involved and stay involved with our child’s education throughout the school year. We expect to hear about our child’s academic performance […]
When our children are preschoolers, we tend to have easier access to their teachers. We see them at drop-off or pickup, and there may be field trips or other activities at which parents are welcome. We can get a sense of who their teachers are and make a connection. As our children move through elementary […]
New York’s new teacher evaluation system has gotten a great deal of press and caused much anxiety for public school educators in the state, and emotions are likely to ratchet up another notch as parents are able to view their child’s teacher’s scores sometime this fall. The Annual Professional Performance Review – or APPR – […]