Tag: parent-teacher

Sometimes, it’s hard to believe the iPhone was introduced only 11 years ago. Whether you are an Apple fan or a Samsung fan or have any one of the many other brands, smartphones and, to a lesser degree, tablets, have made profound changes on our daily lives. They put the world at our fingertips. But […]

My first open house experience for my daughter was a little awkward. After walking in through the main entrance, we were ushered past several tables of older students and adult volunteers doing fundraisers and into the cafeteria. There, we had an inspirational briefing from the principal, before heading off to the classrooms. At my daughter’s […]

“How was your day?” is a four word question that can elicit apathy from even the most communicative of children. Contrary to what they say, they do not spend all day at school and do “nothing.” So what’s a parent to do? According to David Ksanznak, principal of Hamagrael Elementary School (Bethlehem Central School District) […]

When I was in middle and high school, I would often meet my friends on Sundays at the local public library, where we would work on our homework and conduct research for projects. We would thumb through the card catalog, searching for books or magazine articles that we could use as sources. Now, students can […]

Aside from an occasional yoga class, I would have never considered myself the “meditating” type. Type A? Totally. Zen master? Not so much. That was, until I was preparing for the birth of my first child and my doctor suggested mindful meditation as a way to help me be well (see: less of a stressed […]

Enrolling at a new school can be a challenging experience for students at all grade levels, as well as for their parents. There are new faces, hallways and classrooms and often divergent approaches to learning from school district to school district. The organization of the school day and classes themselves, especially for students who are […]