Tag: grades

When I was in middle and high school, I would often meet my friends on Sundays at the local public library, where we would work on our homework and conduct research for projects. We would thumb through the card catalog, searching for books or magazine articles that we could use as sources. Now, students can […]
Does the thought of sitting down with your child’s teacher make you squirm in your seat like a second grader? It shouldn’t, but it is surprising just how many adults find the face-to-face meeting with a teacher an uncomfortable experience. The purpose of parent-teacher conferences is to inform parents about their child’s progress and to […]
“This is … Ancient Greece Jeopardy!” my son announced from the back seat, kicking off an unexpected but entertaining 6th grade social studies lesson. We were returning home from a weekend visit with family in Connecticut, and the three-hour car ride provided ample time for him to complete the study packet for an upcoming test. […]
I don’t like surprises. Not for birthdays or anniversaries, and especially not when it comes to my children’s report cards. Luckily, parents no longer need to be taken by surprise by the grades and comments on the quarterly report from school. Today, there are many ways parents can keep track of their children’s performance on […]

Number bonds. Tape diagrams. Counting up. I sometimes feel like my third-grade child is speaking a foreign language when he asks for help with his math homework. “Um, what does that mean?” I ask. He can’t always explain. “Didn’t you learn how to do this today in school?” I ask. He shrugs. Completing math homework-the […]
A story about cheating at Dartmouth College provides an opportunity to discuss with school-age children the importance of academic honesty. The Ivy League school in Hanover, N.H., often described as one of the nation’s elite private colleges, has accused 64 students of cheating in a sports ethics class. The students, many of them athletes, allegedly […]
We hear it all the time: It’s important to get a good night’s sleep. But how important is it when it comes to getting good grades in school? A study by the University of Minnesota recently surveyed more than 7,000 high school students about their sleep habits and grades. The results? On average, the kids […]
Studies show that many children’s grades drop during the first year of middle school. It’s at this point that they can become less interested in studying and less self-assured about their abilities. But rigorous academic standards and tougher high school graduation requirements mean students need to be diligent with their studies throughout the middle school […]