Tag: drug prevention
I’m late. As with most things in my parenting life, I am woefully behind schedule. On November 19, families throughout the country took part in the National Night of Conversation, an event designed to facilitate discussion about drug abuse and addiction. My family, however, was knee-deep in social-studies projects, multiplication tables, and various sports practices. […]
Some see it as a rite of passage. Others say it’s simply teens being teens. We’re talking, of course, about drinking alcohol. It’s a celebration-filled time of year that seems ripe for teen alcohol abuse – proms, graduations, pool parties, bonfires. The reality is that it’s illegal – both for the underage child and for […]
Peer pressure. We all hear about it. At some point in our lives, we probably even succumbed to it. Peer pressure isn’t always bad. In fact, there are times when peer pressure is good – such as when your children’s friends challenge them to push themselves in a class or athletics, or to try something […]
More U.S. teens are smoking pot and fewer see it as dangerous, according to an annual survey for the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Survey results show one out of every 15 high school seniors reported smoking marijuana on a daily or near daily basis – the highest rate since 1981. The survey polled 47,000 […]