Tag: community
In January, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his executive budget proposal for 2015, including more than $1 billion in additional state aid for schools. A billion dollars could really help schools and students around the state. But wait. That promised pile of money comes with serious strings attached. The governor also requested more control over failing […]
There’s no doubt doing something for someone else can make you feel good. But there are other benefits to volunteering as well, such as learning new skills, connecting with people you might not have otherwise gotten to know and showing responsibility by committing to a helping opportunity. Other benefits aren’t exactly selfless – such as […]
At 18 years old, my friend was asked to donate blood by an American Red Cross student volunteer. Initially she said no, but finally made a deal with the volunteer that she would donate if he would do something that made her laugh. The boy agreed and tried a few unsuccessful jokes, then pretended to […]
Sounds like a job for a superhero, doesn’t it? If you donate blood, you can do all the work lying down. Blood cannot be manufactured; it can only come from generous donors. The American Red Cross estimates that every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood, and the average red blood cell transfusion is […]
When tragedy strikes, we are inundated with news and information, and our country’s most recent tragedy is no exception. Coverage online, in print and on television is continuous in the aftermath of the horror that struck at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. It is hard to escape the images and the stories of […]
From a very early age, I remember hearing my parents and teachers talk about the importance of helping others. My mother, a registered nurse, made a career out of caring for the sick and the elderly. I remember going with my grandparents on many occasions to share food and company with those in need or […]