Tag: college

Senior year of high school can feel like a whirlwind. For me, it was about eight years ago now, and I still remember the feelings well. Friends start to get their college acceptance letters and make other post-graduation plans. Deadlines for final essays and projects are approaching way too quickly. Emotions roller-coaster from excitement for […]

August is here. Our last month to enjoy warm summer evenings and extended family time before the school year begins. August also shifts our attention to back-to-school shopping, especially for college students whose classes typically begin before the end of the month (if not before). The college back-to-school list has changed drastically since I went […]

“What can I do to put you into a college today?” Deciding on a college isn’t exactly the same as buying a new car, says Cobleskill-Richmondville Guidance Counselor Kristin Komarinski, but many of the same rules apply. “As with any big purchase, there are a lot of things to consider,” says the guidance counselor of […]
In a move some of the nation’s top colleges and universities say will help students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds apply for college, a new “Coalition Application” is set to launch in April. Similar to the Common Application, which allows students to apply to several colleges at once through a single portal, the Coalition Application would […]
My nest is empty and, for the first time in oh, about 30 years, my house is pretty darn clean. In the weeks that followed the August departure of my youngest son to a college several hours away, I indulged myself in the good life: impromptu getaways with my husband, late dinners in nearby restaurants, […]

This season of moving up ceremonies and graduations makes us think back to our own high school years. It seems, looking back, that life was so simple then. From our adult perspective, those molehills were really just molehills. Yet back then, in the moment, they were towering, steep mountains that seemed impossible to climb. With […]
We know, graduation is still several weeks away, but we got thinking about tidbits of good advice accumulated through the years that might benefit high school students getting ready to step out into the world. With all the talk about the value of 21st century “soft skills” for college and workplace success, this handful of […]