Tag: change

When I was in middle and high school, I would often meet my friends on Sundays at the local public library, where we would work on our homework and conduct research for projects. We would thumb through the card catalog, searching for books or magazine articles that we could use as sources. Now, students can […]
Ten years ago they were all the rage. Backpacks with wheels topped the list of supplies for anxious parents everywhere responding to media warnings of a generation suffering bad posture and back pain from lugging around heavy school book bags. Today, it is hard to find these tricked-out rolling bags on school campuses. Perhaps their […]
The students filed excitedly into the cafeteria, choosing seats near friends as they waited for the presentation to begin. The end of school was just around the corner, but that’s not what had these fifth graders abuzz. They were about to hear a preview of next year – the start of middle school. They had […]
It’s your child’s first foray into the “school” world, and you’ve got mixed feelings. On one hand, you’re excited to watch her learn and grow. On the other, you feel tremendous pressure to pick the “right” school. Choosing a preschool can be an overwhelming experience with so many options/approaches available: teacher-led, child-led, Montessori, Waldorf, co-operative, […]
The suggestion that we “do something different” this Thanksgiving was met by a long silence. “Why would we do something different?” asked our daughter, her tone incredulous. The start of college this past August has meant a time of significant adjustment for our oldest child. She and our two other children have only ever known […]
At a certain age, career choices seem limitless: firefighter, rock star, astronaut, princess. Fast-forward 10 years and the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?” can trigger fear, anxiety and outright panic. This is especially true for juniors and seniors who feel pressured to make a decision about their options. The […]
The transition from middle school to high school can trigger a wide range of feelings – from excitement about increased independence and anxiety about social issues to stress about the workload and nervousness about just about everything else. No parent wants his or her child to be anxious about going to high school – or […]
Anxious feelings are normal and expected in times of transition, particularly with a change such as going back to school. For younger children, anxiety often revolves around separating from parents. For older children, it’s frequently about social situations such as fitting in, making new friends and personal performance in specific areas such as academics, music […]