Tag: back-to-school

Enrolling at a new school can be a challenging experience for students at all grade levels, as well as for their parents. There are new faces, hallways and classrooms and often divergent approaches to learning from school district to school district. The organization of the school day and classes themselves, especially for students who are […]
School has been in session only a few weeks, and now it’s time for Open House. For many parents, the experience is one of shuffling around crowded hallways and classrooms with only a vague understanding of what it’s all about. However, Open House can be an important event for parents, teachers and children. Here’s how […]

With only three weeks until the start of another school year, my two sons are relaxing on the couch, basking in the air-conditioning and watching television. Having just returned from swimming, there is not a thought in their heads about boarding the bus and going back to school in less than a month. I, on […]
The students filed excitedly into the cafeteria, choosing seats near friends as they waited for the presentation to begin. The end of school was just around the corner, but that’s not what had these fifth graders abuzz. They were about to hear a preview of next year – the start of middle school. They had […]
It’s your child’s first foray into the “school” world, and you’ve got mixed feelings. On one hand, you’re excited to watch her learn and grow. On the other, you feel tremendous pressure to pick the “right” school. Choosing a preschool can be an overwhelming experience with so many options/approaches available: teacher-led, child-led, Montessori, Waldorf, co-operative, […]
The following story was first printed in Parent Today in March 2013. When our daughters were young, we had no questions about kindergarten readiness. Both girls were born in March, and my husband and I knew that by the September following their fifth birthdays they’d be more than ready for the half-day program offered in […]
You’ve visited your child’s classroom for back-to-school night, met his/her teacher and scheduled your parent-teacher conference. Now what? Staying connected during the school year is an important step in your child’s education. More than 500 studies have shown the positive benefits that result when parents get involved in their children’s education, including improved grades and […]
As the lazy days of August dwindle and the first day of school looms on the horizon, parents everywhere are gearing up for the (often dreaded) back-to-school supplies shopping trip. Despite the fact that we know it’s coming each year – in fact, many elementary schools send home school supply lists with the year-end report […]
A new school year means readjusting to a schedule that frequently includes lots of extracurricular activity, in addition to homework and responsibilities at home. While we want our children to be active, their happiness relies on another key ingredient: family time. Experts point to a number of reasons why family time is important. When parents […]
Anxious feelings are normal and expected in times of transition, particularly with a change such as going back to school. For younger children, anxiety often revolves around separating from parents. For older children, it’s frequently about social situations such as fitting in, making new friends and personal performance in specific areas such as academics, music […]