Tag: attendance

It’s a serious problem. Every year, nearly one-third of high school students across the nation will not graduate – that’s more than 1.2 million students a year. In New York State, the numbers are better, with 74 percent of students graduating. But those numbers aren’t nearly good enough, not for the children whose opportunities are […]

It’s a serious problem. Every year, nearly one-third of high school students across the nation will not graduate – that’s more than 1.2 million students a year. In New York State, the numbers are better, with 74 percent of students graduating. But those numbers aren’t nearly good enough, not for the children whose opportunities are […]
If you think it’s OK for your child to occasionally miss school “just because,” you might want to consider the following statistics: Students who are chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade are less likely to read proficiently in 3rd grade As early as 6th grade, missing 18 or more days of school in a […]
Many of us can set our watches by the rituals that unfold on the home front each morning: coffee brewing, bathroom filling with steam, newspaper landing with a thud on the porch, the pre-teen lump under the blankets pleading for “five more minutes.” But what if, after the headlines have all been read and the […]
The symptoms seem mild: headache, stomachache, fatigue. But the complaints are fairly regular – and typically surface on school days. If there are no obvious signs of illness, such as fever or vomiting, and a check with your pediatrician rules out physical factors, your child could be suffering from what psychologists call “school avoidance.” School […]
Research shows that students who attend school regularly learn more, have fewer discipline problems, acquire better study habits and are generally more successful than students who do not. Missing even an hour of school can be a learning opportunity lost. Good attendance practices are formed early in life – so parents can set a positive […]