Tag: arts

I saw something funny on Facebook the other day. It said, “Parents…tag, you’re it! From, Your Child’s Teachers.” Aside from holidays that involve time off, and birthdays, for school-aged children there’s not much on the excitement meter that rivals summer vacation. But for the parents scheduling the activities, camps or even just childcare to fill […]

My second- and fourth-grade sons are currently participating in an after-school art program at their elementary school. After each class, they share funny anecdotes about something one of the other kids said or did. And each Tuesday, they are excited to go to school because they know they have art after school. This is significant […]

Crumpled balls of wrapping paper; delicious holiday fare; and happy kids with new gadgets, games and gizmos. These are a few of my favorite things. This year, with Christmas and New Year’s Day both on weekends, there may be many parents who are fortunate to have the full week off at the end of December. […]

While growing up, summer always meant several things to me, no school, nice weather, family vacation, but most importantly, summer camp. Between camp and community events, there are plenty of activities where children can have fun while enriching their time away from school. Summer is the perfect time to have fun with learning that focuses […]
Pull out some crayons, scissors, glitter and glue, and you’ll do more than create bonding time with your preschooler. Researchers say creative time helps kids prepare for school and long-term success in subjects such as math, reading and writing. It’s no surprise that making crafts provides developmental benefits for children. Using a scissors to cut […]
It used to be all we ever really needed to know we learned in kindergarten, at least according to author Robert Fulghum. His famous essay (entitled, “All I Ever Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”) outlines some of those lessons, such as “Live a balanced life; learn some and think some; and draw […]
The squeaking sounds rang through the house, and we silently cringed. The girls did their homework behind closed bedroom doors, an attempt to buffer the sound of their brother’s clarinet “playing.” Even the dogs seemed to be scarce for the 30 minutes of daily practice. It was week 1 on this new instrument for our […]
So you’ve been nurturing a daydream in which your middle-schooler marches past the XBox and cozies up instead to a 400-page Russian novel. And who could blame you for such visions? Reading is, after all, fundamental. But reality throws cold water in your face when, instead of a weighty, leather-bound book, your child reaches for […]