Tag: activities
Learning doesn’t need to screech to a halt during the summer, given the educational opportunities available to kick around. Take the World Cup, for example. You can’t look at a newspaper, watch television or scroll through your Facebook feed without catching some reference to this international soccer event. The World Cup is a great jumping […]
When you hear of parents and children reading together, you almost always picture a mom or dad with a toddler on their lap enjoying a book with pictures or rhymes, à la Dr. Seuss. We know early reading helps young children master the language, improve concentration, and strengthen speech and logical thinking skills – all […]
The seed starter kit at the everything-under-$5 store caught my son’s eye. “Mom, we could grow watermelons,” he said excitedly as he grabbed a kit from the shelf. I thought about the sandy soil around our house. “Maybe tomatoes,” I said. We had some success last year with grape tomatoes planted in containers on the […]
Pull out some crayons, scissors, glitter and glue, and you’ll do more than create bonding time with your preschooler. Researchers say creative time helps kids prepare for school and long-term success in subjects such as math, reading and writing. It’s no surprise that making crafts provides developmental benefits for children. Using a scissors to cut […]
“Dis is cumbersome,” our son said to no one in particular as he sauntered through the living room carrying a toy. My husband stopped in his tracks, surprised by what had come from the boy’s mouth. It was a fairly sophisticated word for a – barely – 3-year-old. “It’s cumbersome? What does cumbersome mean?” my […]
If you were a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books as a child, you might recall “The Long Winter,” which takes place in De Smet, South Dakota, during the winter of 1880-81. Frequent blizzards made it impossible for trains to get to the town with supplies, and food and fuel became scarce. The family survived […]
Whether you love football or are more entertained by the commercials, chances are you’re planning to spend some time in front of the television during Sunday night’s Super Bowl game. Add some fun – and learning – to the experience to keep younger audience members (and even those adults who aren’t really into the game) […]
Everybody looks forward to the holidays, don’t they? All those people with happy faces in TV commercials set the tone, racing through the stores weighed down with giant shopping bags loaded with gifts – sale after sale after sale. The frantic pace starts before the Thanksgiving turkey has even cooled. Stress levels rise. There are, […]